

  • EllisDon
our roles
  • Strategy
  • Branding
  • UX & UI Design
  • 3D Design
  • Prototyping
  • Web Development
  • Creative Development
  • CMS Setup

Reinventing the online presence of a world-renowned construction company

Explore the creative, informative, and easy-to-navigate website of EllisDon, a global leader in almost every sector and facet of the construction industry.

Reflektor Digital was honoured to work with EllisDon—which recently celebrated its 70th anniversary—to create a website showcasing its truly global presence and unrivalled capabilities across the entire construction ecosystem. To achieve this, we used a range of interactive elements, impactful copy, and modern design with intuitive UX.

Since the launch, EllisDon has seen a significant increase in new business inquiries, a boost in job applications, and improved site speed and reliability.


Showcasing a global company on a global scale

To renew and improve its digital presence, EllisDon commissioned a complete website overhaul. As one of the world’s leading construction companies, with billions in annual revenue, thousands of employees, and an international presence, EllisDon needed the site to reflect its immense scale and range of expertise.

Crucially, the site needed to communicate the value that differentiates EllisDon from competitors while providing an intuitive, straightforward experience for users to explore with ease.

Reflektor Digital was chosen for our commitment to versatility and originality, as well as our proven ability to create digital experiences that command curiosity and engage broad audiences.


A blend of art, technology, and business acumen

We began the strategy phase of the project by identifying pain points and core offerings, conducting in-depth interviews with key stakeholders including EllisDon’s CEO. Based on these insights and other market research, we developed a content framework and organisational system for coordinating EllisDon’s array of teams and services.

We proposed several core goals for the project, including enhanced site performance, easily navigable content, clear messaging, and innovative 3D visuals.


Bold Aesthetics

We worked with EllisDon to create a design style that was distinctive and exciting while still reflecting the company’s professionalism and reputation for quality.

Combining modern, elegant typography with a contemporary, contrasting dark and light theme, the overall design demonstrated Reflektor Digital’s commitment to showcasing clients’ unique brand personas.


Innovative 3D Design in Action

A critical part of the process was the cohesive integration of design themes, motion graphics, and 3D elements to create a cohesive and impactful web experience. We also created an animated, futuristic 3D city, encapsulating EllisDon's innovative thinking and exemplifying Reflektor’s ability to push the boundaries of digital experiences.


A Seamless Multi-Device Experience

Embracing the importance of mobile and tablet accessibility, Reflektor Digital fine-tuned EllisDon's website for a seamless, cross-device experience. We paired innovative responsive design with a mobile-first approach, ensuring every pixel of EllisDon's online presence stays captivating and user-friendly across all screen sizes. This adaptive strategy extended EllisDon's digital reach, increasing mobile traffic and overall engagement worldwide.


Building Flexibility with a Modern CMS

To start the development, we migrated EllisDon’s existing WordPress CMS to a simple, modern, and easy-to-use headless CMS using Sanity and Next.js. A key priority of the project was to build easy customisability into the site. The migrated system ensured that EllisDon’s content team could easily create and edit pages to fit their needs on an ongoing basis, with brand-consistent visual design and UX.


Implementing technology to craft a professional and intuitive UX

After performing a full CMS migration to the new system, we built a dynamic, responsive landing page complete with engaging animations, 3D elements, microinteractions, compelling page transitions, scroll-triggered effects, and other captivating features.

We built the website using a static architecture, ensuring fast load times, auto-optimisation of images, and an optimised UX. Additionally, we integrated MUX video tech for faster download speeds, adaptive bandwidth, and omni-device functionality.

To further optimize UX and simplify navigation for all users, we also implemented a comprehensive search functionality that allows users to find any content on the website with ease.

  • Sanity CMS
  • VUE.JS
  • GSAP
Total impressions in first three months
Total clicks in first three months
1 M
Happy client